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about me and my brother (20)
Monday 3 September 2012 | 08:45 | 0 comments

my father and my brother

Hello again ! i'm sabrina , here i want to talk about my brother , i hope your guys dont feel bored about my story.Thank because you guys want to visit my blog and read my story i hope your enjoy it ! thank again hehe ;)

My brother and I were very few of the students who went to the school on bicycles. Although my brother is 3 years older than I, we both started going to the school on bikes together. It took us about 10 minutes to reach us school everyday, but when we raced it took just 5. It was a unique experience. Unlike any other child who was dropped and then picked from the school, I felt responsible and trusted by my parents. In fact, the morning ride on the bike, especially in winter fog, was very refreshing. I always felt more alert in my morning classes.
When I graduated to the 7th grade, I was put in a new class section according to my chosen O levels subjects. Right from the very 1st day two groups were naturally formed, one snobbish and the other relatively humble. Being a part of the later group, I was always the other group's prime target for practical jokes and humiliations; merely my coming to the school on a bike was viewed as substandard. Occasionally, at the end of the day I would find that someone had deflated the tires of my bike. Then I had to walk all the way home with my bike, a memory which, back then though brought my spirits down a great deal, now engenders a smile on my face. I was the only one amongst my group confined to within my group; everyone else was at least well acquainted, if not friends, with each other.
Although I made many friends within my group, I always desired to be friends with everyone in my class. That seemed so difficult then that I believed it to be impossible; I tried it many times, but always ended up getting embarrassed. Even more disappointing were the comments like 'go away and hang around with the kids of your type'. They never said it directly, but the implications alluded to my middleclass family. And this was even more obvious when, in my presence, they boasted of their cars which they drove themselves to school.
I admit it to some extent that I too started feeling inferior. It was only when I managed to debunk my belief of inferiority that I finally got assimilated within whole of my class. Just some cognition, a series of clever thoughts, and I figured it out. Before the class tests and the final exams, when teachers refused to give any hint about what questions would come in the tests, I helped my friends clear their concepts, solved questions for them and told them what to concentrate more on. Seeing more people encircled around me, the people, whom I thought hated me, joined me; I helped them wholeheartedly.
I gained wider acceptance when I got selected in my school football team. 8th grader and the youngest player in my school football team, I managed to help my class win some of the inter-class football matches with my free-kicks. They started loving me.
Things got even better when in 9th grade I made a website on my class. Designed on macromedia flash, my website showed brief profiles of all my class fellows. That website still never fails to bring memories back. All my friends mailed me their pictures. Some of them, who had never called me before, now even talked to me on the phone, discussing what to put in their profiles. I felt more than recognized. Then up till now, I call 'those people' my friends.
What I can call the culmination of my success of getting assimilated and recognized by class fellows, who once looked down on me are last year's school elections. I stood for the position of Sports Representative. That I won in the elections wasn't as surprising as the margin by which I won. Out of the 400 votes I got around 210 votes, 100 more votes than the 2nd highest votes-winner; a success which I attribute to my friends and my better acquaintance with everyone.
In retrospect, I realize my success. Even though now I have achieved recognition amongst my friends and school fellows, which once I believed I never could, the humble part of me is sill dominant in my personality. All these events developed my interest in human behavior psychology. Now not only do I understand other people better, but also I am more considerate towards them. I have become more observant, more empathetic and more thoughtful.

Thank because your guys want to read my blog story , my my story hehe , hope your guys enjoy it ,
if i have mistake grammar ,i want to say sory very mch ,hope your guys enjor read it ! thank ,bye2! ;D

My Father: The Person I Admire Most (19)
| 08:14 | 0 comments

Hello again ! i sabrina , here i want to talk about my father the person i admire most , i hope your guys dont bored about my story.Thank because you guys want to visit my blog and read my story i hope your enjoy it ! thank again hehe ;)
Over time, there have been several people who have influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, accomplishments, and values.   I have been privileged to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their patience and intelligence.   There are artists that have inspired me by their natural talents and original creativity.   I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to society, and their ability to change our futures.   Of all the people I have encountered in my life, the person I admire most is my father.
As the youngest girl in my family, I always considered myself to be “Daddy's little girl.”   Growing up it always made me sad to see so many of my friends and neighbors without a father or father-like figure around.   This helped me appreciate how my father always takes an interest in his children's lives.   To this day, he still professes how proud he is of me and my siblings, and is still there to support us in whatever we are involved in.   In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to excel.   Whenever I feel like giving up, or have a question or a concern, I know I can always call on him for advice.   From him I have also learned that sometimes you have to put others needs ahead of your own, but not to the point they will begin to take advantage of you.   His strength seems to be unbreakable during hard times, and is extremely determined to accomplish anything he sets his mind on.   I hold great esteem for how he stands up for what he believes in, and will never back down.   I have always admired his open mind, compassion, and sense of understanding.   He is a very reserved man, but has a great sense of humor, and always knows how to put a smile on my face.
I remember how my father worked during the week at night, and how we would look forward to the weekends when we would spend time with him.   Every night we would have dinner...

That it about my story the person i admire most is my father ,hehe hope you like it , if my english have many word wrong hope you guys please send a comment in my chat about my mistake thank you again ;D bye2 hehe

about my Mother (18)
| 07:55 | 0 comments

Hello again,is me sabrina ! ;D this is my essay again. I have worked very hard to have it now. Please review it and give me some advice. Thank you very much for your time. I am very grateful for each of your tip. Thanks again.

It was just 3 a.m. and the sky was still in the darkness of an extremely cold evening winter in the severe highland. The wind blew fast made the dark sky become more dangerous and violent, but my mother was ready to set out again. Hardly did anyone know that where a female was going in such that weather. She was going to remote areas of the province to do her business, retailing commodities. At the age of 40s, my mother still had to work hard to earn her living and support our family. By her old bike with a lot of goods that maybe was out of her ultimate limit, my mother faced her new challenge alone but vigorously. There was no light outside, no stars, and no one, there was only winds still blew faster and faster towards my mother's sunburnt face. This moment of my mother' life that has been instilled in my mind has tremendously helped me in my spiritual, mental, and developmental upbringing. 
My mother actually is an ordinary woman but in her tiny appearance lies an extraordinary fortitude, perseverance, a altruistic soul and a very kindly heart. The kind of mother who brought me up with her whole kindly heart, the kind of persistent woman with strong willpower who had to face the toughest challenges in life, and the kind of person who always demonstrated great zeal for every unlucky lives without requiring anything in return and great willingness to help everyone's misery though she did not have much, my mother taught me more than any one else, not only inspired me the strength to overcome hardships in my life, but also left me with invaluable life lessons. Her fortitude and perseverance, as well as her kindly heart have encouraged me to grow up to live the life of an authentic person, a life engulfed with perseverance and determination, a life with heartfelt eagerness to love and to receive love from every one and optimistic beliefs in the future.
My mother's life is the succession of obstacles and grieves. Growing up in a poor family, my mother must work very hard to earn her living since her early ages. Due to shortage of material condition, she herself has trained an extremely strong will and ability to sedately deal with each difficulty and stand up to move on from her failures. 
I vividly remember the calamity poured down my family when my mother' business went bankrupt. We had to sell our house and leave for another town to begin from "zero". This critical time made every member in my family totally upset. But it was my mother, the persistent and brave women, strongly stood up and started over again after this great adversity. Each of her failures, her grief, and the way she overcome difficulties to move on has made an indelible impression in my mind, leaving me with precious lessons about the values of strong wills and indefatigable endeavors to firmly confront with setbacks and bravely conquer them. There was time when I felt that there was no more hope in life, that I felt very weary and was about to give up everything. It was the time when I failed the entrance examination into a high school for the gifted, a famous and competitive school attracting best students in Vietnam. I was really despaired when all my efforts went to nowhere, six months with hard working and overnight learning left me nothing but fail and shame. I was unable to deal with any small problems and felt embarrassed to meet my relatives and friends. However, that was also the right time that I learned from my mother how to learn from mistakes and developed my own tools to take more lessons from them to realize the proper meanings of determination. My patient efforts were compensated when I received scholarships in each semester at high school. All of these difficulties eventually gave me an optimistic view on life which helped me become more vigorous to start all over again and to waive my unhealthy fear of failure. 
My mother is a diligent and determined woman who has left me with the right direction of my road, more importantly, she has helped me appreciate this life as precious gifts of ordinary life and true happiness by her kindly heart. The accident of my aunt gave me another lesson from my mother. My aunt Dung was unfortunately hurt mentally after this accident, and the reserved women became demented, which made anyone scared of her. Unlike other relatives, my mother was the only person who did not ignore her; in contrast, she looked after her very wholeheartedly. Thank to my mother, I was no longer scared of demented people as I used to, but instead, I understood from their eyes the hope to live stable lives.
The kindness I learned from my mother urged me to enthusiastically accompany my teachers to the town of leper families at Eana, Daklak province. This was an unforgettable experience that helped me shaped my outlook on life. Many people here lived in silence and complex about their situations. Scared at first, my mind changed from fearing them to sympathizing with them and wishing them integrate more into the society. I realized from their eyes the sturdy resistance to illness, and their strong will to live ordinary lives under such terrible circumstances. Giving my small gifts, I also received form them more valuable gift - true happiness, that comes from the simple things in life and from trying to make others happy, the more of it we give to other the more we will have for ourselves.
I can never thank my mother enough for what she has given me. The precious lessons from my mother are the luggage for me to go on my road and discover new horizon of knowledge and make my dream become a reality instead of just a dream. I own my strength to my mother. Her life experience has made me more vigorous to face every hardship, to overcome each failure, and move on. Far more meaningfully, I also realize the invaluable gift of life and true happiness to view the world more optimistically and to believe in the brighter future.

That all about whant i want to share , thank for reading ,and visit my blog ,i hope you guys understand what i want to share about it , ;D bye2

music is my life ! (17)
| 07:32 | 0 comments

Hallo guys ! i sabrina and i here again to share you about , music is my life! i know you guys also like listening the music right ? also me ! here i want to share you about me again , hope you guys not bored at me hehe ;)

Music has an influence on our lives each and every day. We listen to music day in and day out and sometimes just listening to the right song at the right time can actually make a difference. I grew up in a very musical environment, and every time when I would feel down or not myself music tend to reel me back in to reality. Not all people are into music but if you’re like me music affects your life in a serious manner. Music tends to get me through everything I go through in life. There are different genres of music out there pop, country, hip-hop, contemporary Christian etc. and each and every tune and songs that has been established, conveyed a certain deep important meaning in its lyrics. When life tends to knock me down music has a way of uplifting and encouraging myself to try harder and never give up. It’s a way for me to cope through everything that is good and bad that goes on in this world. My favorite kind of music to listen to whenever I need inspiration is contemporary Christian because not only does it keep me going but it pushes to me have more faith and trust in myself and the things I do. Sometimes I’ll arrive to a status in my life where I’ll feel stuck and don’t know what I’m capable of, music pulls me through it. It’s that soothing sound and that inspirational lyric that helps me realize who and what I am and where I should be standing through the midst of changes. Just as some people have something to be of meaning in their lives I have music to fall into. Music is my life and soul. The beat of the music awakens my heart, the rhythm or the note in a song enables my mind to connect to my heart and it leads me to where I’ve always wanted to go. Although I am pretty much an amateur in writing and conducting music I am able to connect to the world and those around me whenever I hear that one perfect song that can raise my spirit to a full velocity. Music can either inspire me or it can sometimes remind me.

That is about want i want to share it , i hope your guys understand it and want to share music , i know your all also have favorite song , thank hope your enjoy reading my blog ! bye2 ;D

What is the best thing in life ? (16)
Sunday 2 September 2012 | 05:03 | 0 comments

Hallo guys ! i sabrina and i here again to share you about , what is the best thing in life ? i know your guys also have a best thing in life right ? also me ;) in here i want to share about what is the best thing in life ? , i hope your all have read and understand what i want to share about it.I know my story is not best and my grammar also many wrong , but i hope you can understand hehe.

Different peoples may have a different thought of this . For me, a simple things is really matter because that is when the unforgettable moment is created .  Simple things that can make other people Happy . That is how u define happiness . The best thing in life that i want is is Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you , waking up realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep ,first kisses,making new friend and spending time with old one,singing in the bathroom,sweet dream ,have a hot chocolate,making brownies, and cookie , holding hand with someone you care about , watching a sunset, sleeping in,taking long , hot showers ,starbucks,knowing that somebody misses you hehe

That is about want i want to share it , i hope your guys understand it and learn something about whant i want to share about it , i know your all also have friend and also have the importance of friend for each other , if i wrong , hope you can tell me about your opinion hehe thank because read and visit my blog hope your guys enjoy it , if my engelish mistake i so sory ;) bye2

The importance of friend (15)
| 04:31 | 0 comments

Hallo guys ! i sabrina and i here again to share you about , The importance of friends.Importance friend should have be for each other heart, because a imprtance friend can make we trust for each other and be honestly for each other to.

Friends play an important role in our lives. One day, we will have to step into this toughand competitive world on our own. Parents and teachers will not always be there to guide uswhen we need them. At such time, who else other than our own friends can we turn to, to seekadvice or even just a shoulder to cry on?Thus, everyone needs a good friend. What is a real good friend like? A good friend issomeone who shares your happiness and sorrows. They are those who will never stand youup nor leave you alone when you are down and out. They are those who will prop you up andgive you all the support you need. So the saying goes "A friend in need is a friend indeed."A good friend is also a loyal friend. They are the ones who will never betray you, nor letyou down.Unfortunately, not everyone makes a good friend. Some friends are not only disloyal, butthey may also have certain bad habits with bad influence.There are many types of "bad habits", like smoking, drinking, addiction to drugs, or evenillegal racing which lead to reckless driving that can harm our lives.Some people do not have any of these "bad habits", but they can be manipulative. If you do not have enough guts to say "no", they will climb on top of you.Seeing that friends are so important, we should be very careful when it comes to choosing friends. When we have found a good friend, we should treasure and return their valuable friendship.That is about want i want to share it , i hope your guys understand it and learn something about whant i want to share about it , i know your all also have friend and also have the importance of friend for each other , if i wrong , hope you can tell me about your opinion hehe thank because read and visit my blog hope your guys enjoy it , if my engelish mistake i so sory ;) bye2

is fun if i stay at my villager (14)
| 03:58 | 0 comments

Hallo ! i here again ,sabrina , i want share a story about fun if i stay at villager ,hope your guys like it and understand want i whant to shera about ;)
I think living in the villager is far better than living in the city. There are numerous of reasons why living in villager is the better than the city. The scenery, the streets, the people and the paced are totally different compare to the city.The first outstanding characteristic about the villager is that it is beautiful and peaceful. The air is fresh and the surroundings green. This is because the villager is free from pollution, be it air, land or noise pollution. There no such perfect peaceful view that you can see other than in the villager.There are no crowded streets and heavy traffic in the villager. Thus there are no fumes from cars and smoke from factories buildings to pollute the air. The trees surrounded the villager help the people from inhaling the polluted air. The freshness smell of plant somehow helps the people of the villager to have a healthy life.Furthermore, people in the villager are more conscious of keeping their surroundings clean and so there is little throwing of rubbish everywhere, only at designated places. This is unlike the cities where if the garbage trucks do not collect the rubbish disposed by household or restaurants, the city will be overflowing with rubbish! This will attract the mosquitoes, fly, rats and wild dogs to pollute their surrounding that will cause them to have diseases like dengue and cholera.Thirdly, heavy traffic and crowded streets increase the level of noise pollution. The honking of cars in the streets is continuous and the crowds on the roads increase the hub of activity. There are also sound of the machine used in manufacturing factories, loud radio in and out the mall. These add to the noise of the city. Even if one lives in residential areas, one is never far from busy streets.However, in the villager, life is slow-paced. There is no need to rush around because there are not too many places to go. Most places are close by and people can walk or cycle. Less vehicle used, so less fumes is released.The most heart-warming thing about the countryside is the attitude of people. People are friendly and helpful. If there are any happy or festive occasions, everyone pitches in to help. This feeling of cooperation and neighbourliness is what separates the villager from the city.In the city, people are too busy to take note of the people around. Some hardly even know their neighbours. So they would not even be bothered about what happens to people around. This is why the crime rate is increasing in the city because bystanders do not rush in to help if a crime is committed on the streets.The pace of life in the villager is slow so people have more time to enjoy life as the day goes on. Thus, for me to enjoy the quality of life, I prefer to live in the villager.That all about why i want to stay at villager,is very fun and enjoy ,thank because read my story i hope your guys like it ;D BYE2